Asterisk 18.0.0 Released!
Kia Ora! (Or Be Healthy) (Don’t ask – I like greetings from various languages) If you haven’t noticed from the various emails and posts Asterisk
Kia Ora! (Or Be Healthy) (Don’t ask – I like greetings from various languages) If you haven’t noticed from the various emails and posts Asterisk
When stream support was initially added to Asterisk we did it in the most backwards compatible way possible to ensure that we did not have
Overview One of the most challenging things about coding is when your code doesn’t work and you have to figure out why. Trying to track
Over the past few years we’ve been working to improve the video support in Asterisk. We initially started with adding stream support[1] in a backwards
Back in December in my The Continuing Saga of Continuous Integration blog post I wrote about how we reduced the Testsuite’s “27” layers of file
or… “Watch This Space” If you’re an Asterisk contributor you’ve probably noticed that we’d been having issues with large numbers of Jenkins test failures during
TLS certificates and their management are something we take for granted every day when we visit a website. If you sit down and try to
In the previous post on contributing to Asterisk, we set up the Asterisk Test Suite and wrote a test for the CDRÂ dialplan function that
In the previous post, we: Picked out a bug to fix, ASTERISK-25179 Signed up for an Asterisk account, signed a CLA, and created our profile
Have you ever run into a bug in Asterisk? If so, don’t despair. Asterisk is software, and despite anyone’s claims to the contrary, all software