The Asterisk Development Team would like to announce
the release of asterisk-18.25.0.
The release artifacts are available for immediate download at
Tag: 18.25.0
This release resolves issues reported by the community
and would have not been possible without your participation.
Thank You!
Change Log for Release asterisk-18.25.0
- Commits: 24
- Commit Authors: 9
- Issues Resolved: 18
- Security Advisories Resolved: 0
User Notes:
res_pjsip_notify: add dialplan application
A new dialplan application PJSIPNotify is now available
which can send SIP NOTIFY requests from the dialplan.
The pjsip send notify CLI command has also been enhanced to allow
sending NOTIFY messages to a specific channel. Syntax:
pjsip send notify channel -
channel: Add multi-tenant identifier.
tenantid has been added to channels. It can be read in
dialplan via CHANNEL(tenantid), and it can be set using
Set(CHANNEL(tenantid)=My tenant ID). In pjsip.conf, it is recommended to
use the new tenantid option for pjsip endpoints (e.g., tenantid=My
tenant ID) so that it will show up in Newchannel events. You can set it
like any other channel variable using set_var in pjsip.conf as well, but
note that this will NOT show up in Newchannel events. Tenant ID is also
available in CDR and can be accessed with CDR(tenantid). The peer tenant
ID can also be accessed with CDR(peertenantid). CEL includes tenant ID
as well if it has been set. -
res_pjsip_config_wizard.c: Refactor load process
The module can now be reloaded.
Upgrade Notes:
channel: Add multi-tenant identifier.
A new versioned struct (ast_channel_initializers) has been
added that gets passed to __ast_channel_alloc_ap. The new function
ast_channel_alloc_with_initializers should be used when creating
channels that require the use of this struct. Currently the only value
in the struct is for tenantid, but now more fields can be added to the
struct as necessary rather than the __ast_channel_alloc_ap function. A
new option (tenantid) has been added to endpoints in pjsip.conf as well.
CEL has had its version bumped to include tenant ID.
Commit Authors:
- Alexei Gradinari: (2)
- Ben Ford: (1)
- Cade Parker: (1)
- George Joseph: (10)
- Jaco Kroon: (1)
- Jean-Denis Girard: (1)
- Mike Bradeen: (3)
- Sean Bright: (2)
- Tinet-Mucw: (3)