ARI Create Channel With Variables

In a blog post long ago we talked about the addition of the create and dial ARI functionality for allowing channels to exist within ARI applications before they have been answered. This has seen use by various people and it came to light that it presented a slight difference in API definition in comparison to the originate functionality. It didn’t let you set variables on the channel when creating it! This resulted in people having to use the normal ARI functionality to set specific variables on the channel, instead of doing it in one step on creation.

It’s with pleasure that I can say as of Asterisk 16.11.1 and 17.5.1 we’ve rectified this difference! Just like when doing a normal channel originate you can now specify the variables to be set on the channel as part of the create process. This eliminates the additional steps for setting variables, saving time spent doing HTTP requests.

I’d also like to take this time to ask – what have you been creating with ARI? Let us know on the Asterisk community forums!

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