Approaches to Transcription
I should just be able to tell it what I want it to do. As the cost comes down for live transcription and the quality
I should just be able to tell it what I want it to do. As the cost comes down for live transcription and the quality
If you’re running an Asterisk “farm” of virtualized PBXs and your virtualization environment is dedicated to it, you probably already have your environment pretty well
If you’ve been concerned about slow Asterisk startup times or excessive memory utilization, we’ve got some good news for you. We’ve eliminated the media index
or… “Watch This Space” If you’re an Asterisk contributor you’ve probably noticed that we’d been having issues with large numbers of Jenkins test failures during
The Story of Asterisk and Keep-Alives The vast majority of VoIP communications is done via UDP datagrams. It’s a no-overhead protocol which makes it fast