Download Asterisk
Download the currently supported versions of Asterisk and various Asterisk-related open source projects.

Asterisk Communications Framework
Asterisk is an open source toolkit for building communications applications. For a more detailed explanation, check out the Get Started section. For more information on how to use Asterisk, see the Configuration and Operation sections of the wiki.
Build a custom Asterisk phone system with FreePBX
FreePBX is the #1 open source graphical user interface (GUI) for use with Asterisk. FreePBX makes it easier to build a custom phone system to fit your needs with its feature-rich core and many available modules and add-ons. From version 17 onward, FreePBX can be installed on Linux Debian systems, and includes Asterisk and all the tools you need to build your custom PBX. Start your FreePBX journey today to easily get started using Asterisk.

Looking for an Asterisk-based commercial PBX?
You can have a new phone system up and running on the same business day, and remove the hassle of maintaining onsite infrastructure with PBXact Cloud. Developed by the maintainer and sponsor of Asterisk, you can take control of your VoIP Communications and boast advanced features with zero coding.

Source Code
If you need additional information about installing Asterisk from source code, read the installation guide on the Asterisk documentation site.
Code is checked out from the GitHub servers via anonymous read-only access. Check out development code from Asterisk’s GitHub repository If you need DAHDI or libpri, they are also available on GitHub. Below is an example of commands you might use to download the source from the various repositories.
# cd /usr/src
# git clone
# git clone
# git clone
An important note
If you are intending to install a specific branch then it is best to clone that branch only and avoid cloning the entire repository.
To clone only a specific Asterisk branch from GitHub, use the following format:
# git clone -b X asterisk-X
(with X being the current release and revision number).
# git clone -b 21 asterisk-21
Need more info?
If you have further questions or intend to push code back up to the repo please see the detailed Code Contribution information on the Asterisk documentation site.
Asterisk News
Asterisk 22.2.0 Now Available
Asterisk 21.7.0 Now Available
Asterisk 20.12.0 Now Available
Certified Asterisk Security Release 20.7-cert4 Now Available
Certified Asterisk Security Release 18.9-cert13 Now Available
Security Advisories
Path traversal via AMI ListCategories allows access to outside files: (GHSA-33×6-fj46-6rfh)
January 9, 2025
A malformed Contact or Record-Route URI in an incoming SIP request can cause Asterisk to crash when res_resolver_unbound is used (GHSA-v428-g3cw-7hv9)
September 5, 2024
Write=originate, is sufficient permissions for code execution / System() dialplan (GHSA-c4cg-9275-6w44)
August 8, 2024